AMLS: Advanced Medical Life Support
Advanced Medical Life Support (AMLS) is the leading course for prehospital practitioners in advanced medical assessment and treatment of commonly encountered ....
PHTLS 9e: Prehospital Trauma Life Support
In the field, seconds count. PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately ....
EMS Safety
Emergency medical services (EMS) can be a dangerous profession. EMS practitioners are 2 ½ times more likely to die on the job and 3 times more likely than the average worker to miss .....
Geriatric Education for Emergency Medical Services (GEMS)
The National Association of EMTs has partnered with Jones & Bartlett Learning and the American Geriatrics Society to develop the second edition GEMS course.