Individual Registration

Salem EMT Class Enrollment

You are enrolling in the Salem EMT Class, with lab sessions on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

This form is set up to charge the $350 deposit. If you wish to pay in full, select "Full Payment" instead.

Please ensure you have selected the correct class before proceeding.

Register for EMT Class - May-July - Salem on 05-21-2025 at NHCPR - Salem (15 Ermer Rd, Salem NH).

Existing user? Please login


New User? Please register

Retype Password*

Personal email preferred as some business email systems may filter communication related to your enrollment.

This is not required now but will be required later for the State final roster.

This is not required now but will be required later for the State final roster.

If you wish to utilize a payment plan, choose the Full Payment during enrollment (not Deposit Payment), select PayPal, and then choose PayPal credit while signed in to the PayPal site.

Minors will require a signed parental/guardian consent form before the first day of the course. Form provided a few weeks prior to start.

Payment Information

Discount Amount
Gross Amount
Deposit Amount
Payment Type
Payment Method *
Credit Card Number*
Expiration Date*
Card (CVV) Code*
Card Holder Name*